Better Together
Free Event with Dr. Peter Newhouse
Sunday, October 28, 6:30 – 8pm
Watermark Hub
Marriage is a difficult road with many twists and turns. Discover key elements that will help couples become aware of their strengths and areas of needed growth in communication. le pillole mectizan
There will be Desserts and Drinks, and Childcare is provided. ivermectin use for dogs
FREE Book: Each couple will receive a free copy of Peters book the Necessary Nine.
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About Peter Newhouse:
Peter Newhouse, PhD, LMSW, ACSW, is the founder and director of the Winning At Home Family Wellness Center. He co-authored “The Necessary Nine”, that released in 2007, this book outlines the nine principles that can bring happiness and longevity to a couples’ relationship. ivermectin covid 19 treatment He created the Necessary Nine Marriage Assessment and the Necessary Nine Premarital Assessment, all of which are available at
Residing in West Michigan, Dr. Newhouse and his wife of 21 years, Shawn, have three children.
I am excited about this!
Me too, even though Im no longer married Im excited to see how we can help someone!!!
I am so bummed! We are leaving for Vancouver, B.C. the day before. But yay for us! We were almost divorced a year ago. We SO could use this free seminar. I don’t know if we can watch it later online, but would love to!
Would an unmarried couple close to marriage feel comfortable?
Lynda, I emailed Pete to ask about unmarried persons coming. He said it would be great! So feel free to invite your pre-married friends along with you!
I am interested in going to this, but my husband has to work….Is it something that I could attend on my own??
Tara, feel free to come even if your husband can’t. We will have more things like this in the future – but if you are interested and it could be an encouragement to you (that you could share with him) – great!