Big Current Summer 2013
Carrefour, Haiti
June 25th – July 2nd
Team members: 15
The Haiti Team will be serving alongside the Yung Goddis, a group of young men who have decided to make a difference in their country by working hard to rebuild out of their love for God. Practically, the team will work together to rebuild homes, lead Kids Club for 100 children and spend time with and encourage the Yung Goddis.
Soweto, South Africa
June 24th – July 5th
Team members: 7
The South Africa Team will be joining up with our partner church, Soweto Vineyard, in a literacy program to help kids and students become proficient in reading. In addition to reading with students, we will be serving alongside Orlando Baptist Church as they host a Vacation Bible School for the area children. We are excited to serve with our brothers and sisters in South Africa but also to see first-hand how God is on the move within the community of Soweto.
Ways to Get Involved:
- PRAY for preparation of the team as they get ready to leave. Once they have arrived, pray that God would help them build a strong relational connection with each other and the locals they meet.
- CONTRIBUTE to the Go Global fund which supports our partnerships, ongoing projects and future trips.
- LEARN more about our partnerships by visiting
- GO and serve locally this summer and consider being apart of one of our future Mission Trips.
Hear more about the trips on Go Global Sunday, July 7th at 9:15 & 11am.