Big Current Summer 2015
The first followers of Jesus had a particular pattern of life together. We can identify this pattern of life in the book of Acts in the Bible. So, how did the first church family follow Jesus together?
Acts 2:46-47 provides a peak into their pattern of life together:
“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Our brothers and sisters in the faith had a pattern of gathering in the temple and in homes. Gathering in the temple was more organized and larger. Meeting together in homes was more organic and smaller. Followers of Jesus pursued worshiping God and pursuing His mission in this pattern.
Our faith family follows these same historic patterns. We gather together on Sundays at the Watermark Hub (more organized) and then we connect with one another in life groups (more organic) during the week.
When people think about church life, they tend to think of Sunday gatherings. But, life groups are an important part of our pattern of life together. From my experience, life groups have:
- Connected me more deeply to others in our church family.
- Challenged me to live out my faith during the week.
- Supported me as I face challenges.
- Celebrated with me.
- Given me opportunities to serve and support others.
- Helped me deepen my relationship with Jesus.
Are you following the pattern of gathering and groups? Are you in a life group? If not, I challenge you to take the step of getting into a group. This fall we will be launching new groups and you are invited to get into a group to experience greater growth. There will be opportunities in September to start a life group or join a life group. Decide today to get into a group this fall.
As we live out this pattern of gatherings and groups, may God’s mission move forward and may God bring many people into relationship with Him!