Jesus and “the Lost”

March 22, 2015

Ice Breakers If you could choose anyone else’s life to live (non-fiction), whose would you choose and why? Have you ever walked into a setting and immediately felt completely out of place? Share the experience. Thoughts on Sunday’s teaching… Review together Sunday’s teaching on Luke 15:1-10 talking about God’s heart for things/people that are lost. Have someone fill the…

Jesus and Money

March 15, 2015

Sit at His Feet

March 8, 2015

Ice Breakers If you could choose anyone else’s life to live (non-fiction), whose would you choose and why? Have you ever walked into a setting and immediately felt completely out of place? Share the experience. Thoughts on Sunday’s teaching… Review together Sunday’s teaching on Luke 10:38-42 about Mary & Martha. One of the points Steve made was that there is…

Be A Neighbor

March 1, 2015

Ice Breakers Have you ever had embarrassing moment with one of your neighbors? Without naming names, what’s your worst horror story of things going wrong with a neighbor (preferably from somewhere you don’t currently live)? Thoughts on Sunday’s teaching… Review together Sunday’s teaching on Luke 10:25-37 about the Good Samaritan. Share something new that you learned or something with…