Many times kids and students are seen as the "future", leading the world of tomorrow. We believe that yes, they will be leading in the future but they can also lead the church of today. Our kids and students can be on mission in their schools and with their friends and be a part of God's mission TODAY.

Find out more about or kids and students and how your's can be apart of the Church of TODAY.


Birth - 4th

Surf City is dedicated to and designed for kids.

From birth through fourth grade, kids thrive in a fun and safe environment built for them to learn about Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him.  As your partners we take our role seriously; to help your child believe that Jesus loves them, to develop love for others, to start a relationship with Jesus and to live out that relationship in daily life.

Age Breakdowns

  • Littles (Birth - 2yrs)
  • Surf City Jr. (3yrs - 5yrs)
  • Surf City Kids (K - 4th Grade)

Surf City Leader

Ann Lukas

Weekly Updates

Join the Surf City Parents group on Facebook for weekly news, tips and ways to continue the conversation started on Sunday.


5th - 8th

So, what’s Moto all about? What does it even mean? I’m glad you asked! First of all, Moto means movement, which is what we are all about. We are a movement of middle school students (5th – 8th) that are learning to love God and love others.

What's Moto Like?

Moto is a high-energy environment, we show crazy videos, play some fun games, and dig into what it means to follow Jesus through teaching and group time. All you really need to know is you (or your student) will love it.

When is Moto?

We meet every Wednesday all year round from 6pm – 7:45pm at the Watermark Hub. We follow the Grand Haven Middle School calendar, so if there isn’t school, there isn’t Moto. This works for holidays, snow days and other cancellations.

Bring a friend and come hang out with us.

Moto Gatherings

  • Wednesday Nights
  • 6 - 7:45p
  • Watermark Hub (Grand Haven)

Moto Leader

Anthony Mencarelli


9th - 12th

Verge is more than an event for High School students, it's a community that is growing in what it means to follow Jesus, and Inviting other Students to see what that looks like for their own life. The verge is the edge, border, or approaching the end of something. We believe that this defines so many of our students who are in a fundamental time of their life where they build relationships, values, character and so much more. This time of their life is also the beginning of the end of a the childhood stage of life and into adulthood, independence, and maturity.

WE strive to Be

A Student Community who:

  • Belong together!
  • Become like Jesus!
  • Reach high school students!

When does this happen?

Currently Verge is retooling, but there are hangout times, retreats, and other groups. Contact Anthony to find out what is happening and to get connected.

Our Goal

To encourage and support students as they purposefully pursue Christ in the place where they are at and encourage them to intentionality influence and connect the people around them.

Verge Community

  • Contact Anthony to discover opportunities to connect.

Verge Leader
Anthony Mencarelli