7 Letters :: Letter to the Watermark Faith Family!
To the angel of the faith family of Watermark…
From the one who calms the storm (Mark 4:39) and guards and guides the paths of my people (Proverbs 2:8, Psalm 23:3). I am the one who plants and produces fruit that fills buckets, from generation to generation. (John 15:4-5) The one who is the true light of the world who invites all to life (John 8:12).
I know where you live…
I’ve seen its beauty and resources. I know that many come to you for recreation. كيفية لعب بلاك جاك Yet, although every corner seems to have buildings with my name on them, many in your community have tasted religion and have raised a drawbridge between me and them. I have seen the brokenness of those in your cities who need healing, yet feel that they must fabricate a smile. I am alive and present and working.
Therefore, I know all the things you do…
I’ve seen you seek to harness the winds of my Spirit, to direct you and forge new paths with me, on my mission. You have trusted me as you’ve walked off well traveled places. I observed how you have opened your hearts, and your family, to those who have been hurting and hungry. You have welcomed people to belong as they are, and not as they will someday be. لعب لربح المال Your authenticity has been attractive.
You have sought to love your community through service and offering relationship, while reflecting all credit to me. Your generosity beyond your faith family has refreshed people in need, and offered hope to the least of these. Continue to do these things, for I have made a mark through you, and you know that all you do in my name is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Yet, I raise these red flags of warning…
Do not allow your realness to erode with the winds of pride. Stop pretending to have it all together. Admit your struggle and wave for help. I am the one who truly rescues and loves you, as you are.
My ways lead to deeper water and messier mission, yet I have watched you at times enter the no-wake zone of comfort and complacency. موقع وليام هيل للمراهنات I’ve seen you get distracted and tentative. In the midst of your busyness and distractions, come to me and allow me to re-create your soul. (Matthew 11:28)
Repent and return to realness, to remaining in me, and to the adventure of a life beyond the channel of control. Do not fear to love and lead, knowing that I have more fruit to produce through you. (Joshua 1:9, John 15) Do not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)
For those who are victorious…
I will give you my presence, which is the hope of glory, (Colossians 1:27) and you will be my church and be marked, so that those around you will recognize me in you. I will shine out through you. Many will find wholeness and life in me and you will live in the city of the Triune God as my beloved child. (Matthew 5:14-16, Revelation 21)
Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.