Day 4: Acts 2:14-41


  1. Linda on May 7, 2022 at 9:28 am

    What must I DO to be saved? Repent (Turn from our sinful, self-centered ways to His. Acknowledge and confess those sins to Him as we turn from our ways.) Then what, Be Baptized (Go into that watery grave of baptism wherein we are buried with Him).have our sins washed away, for it is therein that we contact His precious blood. Then what, Receive the Gift of His Holy Spirit. Why is it that the modern day churches do NOT seem to be proclaiming Jesus’ message to Peter and Peter’s obedience to proclaiming that very message – REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED EVERY ONE OF YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION (FORGIVENESS) OF SINS, AND YE SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. We are told in the Word of God that obedience is better than sacrifice. Jesus Christ honored the Father in obedience, Peter honored Jesus Christ and His message by obedience. What must we DO?

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