Big Current Summer 2015
Over the past 5 years we have sent teams to work in Haiti to help rebuild after the earthquake. This year we took another step to help bring long lasting change to the country of Haiti through education. Thanks to your generosity, we as a faith family, have been able to provide full school scholarships for seven students in Haiti. One of these students was Velineda.
Velineda’s Story:
Velineda never ever thought she would have the opportunity to go to college, but she did so well in high school that she received a 50% scholarship. However, with all of her family unemployed, there was no way she could even pay half of her tuition. Her church was able to support her enough to get her through much of her first year of college, but she still fell short and was faced with the prospect of dropping out. This scholarship saved her from this fate, and she is thrilled to be finishing her first year on time.
Your generosity has enabled Velineda to pursue her education and given her hope to break out of the cycle of poverty. These students have all expressed their deep gratitude for the support and encouragement They are all excited about continuing their education.
What now?
You can help support young people like Velineda by designating “Haiti” on your giving envelope. The funds are used to send young people to school and provide mentoring.