Big Current Summer 2013


Dear Faith Family,
I want to thank you for the investment you are making in me and my family, this Summer, through the blessing of a Sabbatical. We are overwhelmed with gratitude at the generosity of Watermark and the opportunity to be refreshed and renewed this Summer. A key teaching of Jesus for me this Summer is found in John 15:5, in which Jesus declares, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.”

Therefore, my main goal this Summer is to deepen my relationship with God by listening to Him and asking God two questions every day: “How do you want me to remain with You today?” & “What fruit do You want to produce through me today?” The Sabbatical is an opportunity to focus on those questions and seek to lead from a vibrant relationship with Jesus.

I would so appreciate your prayers! Here is how you can pray:

  • For safe travels in the midst of a lot of traveling.
  • That I would hear God’s voice and obey.
  • That I would be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit and renewed.
  • That our family time would be meaningful, fun, and deepen us as a family.
  • That God would use our family to love and encourage others along the way.

Some of the basic things I am doing:

  • Our family is traveling out West for three weeks throughout the month of June.
  • I am going to Ethiopia with my daughter Autumn on a mission trip in July.
  • I am traveling with my father to Turkey to study Biblical sites in August.
  • I will be reading, journaling, meeting with mentors, and other life-giving activities.

I will certainly miss being around all of you this Summer. However, I am looking forward to returning refreshed in order to join you in taking another step in deepening our relationship with God and courageously participating in His mission. I pray that this Summer will be a time of spiritual and relational growth for Watermarkers. Perhaps we all can take the lead from Jesus in John 15:5 and seek to deeply connect in Jesus Christ so that we might together produce much fruit.
I love you and I thank God that we get to be God’s family on mission together. Have an awesome Summer and see you at the Baptism on August 25th!

Your brother in Christ,
– Steve Deur

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