Jesus Baptized / Luke 3

Big Idea

“You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
-Luke 3:21

We have been made children of our Father God through Jesus. We can now live lives on mission, empowered by the Holy Spirit, just like Jesus did… in his footsteps.

Ice Breakers

If you were deserted on an island and could only have one book with you (except the Bible), which book would you choose?

If you’re not a reader, what one “non-survival” type item would you choose to have?


In Steve’s message on Sunday, he asserted that we have received a new, affirming identity.

  • How do you define yourself most often? (ie. Mom, Husband, your talent, your occupation, who you’re related to, what group you’re a part of, etc.)
  • What would you say is your primary, defining identity? Why?
  • How does that identity influence how you act and the value and purpose you live out?

Read together Romans 8:12-17.

  • If this is true, how could this understanding of who we are shape how you view yourself and by extension how you act?

Steve’s other assertion is that we’ve been given a mission that flows out of our new identity. And that mission is made possible by God’s very Spirit living in you.

Read together ????

  • What would you say is your primary purpose for existing? “I don’t know” is a perfectly acceptable answer.
  • How do you or have you listened for the Holy Spirit’s voice in your life?
  • Share stories with each other about when you’ve felt like the Holy Spirit prompted you to do what he would do in a given situation.

Next Steps

If you’ve been baptized, how does that shape your identity?
If you haven’t been baptized, what have been obstacles to taking the plunge? What would it take to overcome those obstacles?


Wrap up with some kind of prayer time.
If someone shared deeply during group time, take some time to pray with that person together as a group.
You could also spend some time in silence asking your Father God to remind you of how he feels about you as his dearly loved kid.